Welcome to the Homepage of the FAU Bern
This is the Homepage of the Local Syndicate of the FAU in Berne.
We are one of several Syndicates in the FAU Switzerland
For current news, informations and events, please visit the Homepage of the FAU Switzerland
The Free Workers Union Berne - what's that?

The Freie Arbeiter_innen Union, ("Free Workers Union") Bern is a union initiative in the region of Berne. It is a local syndicate of the FAU Switzerland Based on anarchosyndicalist principles we see ourselves as a grassroots and combative alternative to the unions based on social partnership.
MILITANT: Because the interests of the workers are radically opposed to those of the capitalists. Because great social progress has only been achieved through social struggles and mobilisations.
SELF-DETERMINED: Because decisions should be taken by those directly concerned and not by party leaders and union officials. Because hierarchies are in contrast to an egalitarian and self-organised society.
SHOWING SOLIDARITY: Because only reflection, mutual help and inter-professional actions can overcome group egoism.
ANTICAPITALIST: Since we are the ones who produce all goods and provide all services, they should be oriented towards the good of the community and not towards the profit of a few. We therefore think that syndicalism must work on a political project for a just, egalitarian and free society... That is, a revolutionary project.